"El Faro" is a weekly newspaper that now just exists as a digital publication. However, for many years was a reference for people who lived in Motril and its district. Its first edition was in 1929 and most of the news was based on local happenings, being the social events the most popular at the time.
Weddings, obituaries, engagements and light pieces of information were the favourite among the citizens who, on the other hand, couldn't expect much more due to the inflexible censure. Just a few of them had access to the "global" world that we currently know. Thus, a trip was quite an affair that this newspaper
exploited to entertain its readers (needless to say that most of them were subscribed to it).
After the Spanish Civil War, everybody was trying to come back to a standard life. "El Faro" also managed to find happy news. A young lady, from a worthy family, went to Madrid to visit the capital city and also to increase her cultural background. A whole article was devoted to explain the trip:
" The charming lady X, elder daughter of the family X ,is travelling to the capital city of our country, we hope she will have a nice stay,etc...",
When she came back, everybody was interested in knowing about her stay. Somebody asked her,"And the Escorial?" and she said reluctanctly..." Well, an Escorial as every other Escorial".
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